US announces two-week ‘humanitarian truce’

US announces two week humanitarian truce

The United States Department of State announced on July 4, 2024 that ” all parties to the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) [se sont] engaged in a two-week humanitarian truce that will begin on July 5 “Neither the DRC nor Rwanda have confirmed this truce.

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US announces new truce in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In a statement published on July 4, 2024, Washington affirms that this two-week humanitarian truce begins at midnight on July 5 and will cover, according to the text, ” the areas of hostilities “This announcement comes as the M23 rebels – supported by Rwanda – have advanced in recent days in the province of North Kivu where they have taken control of several localities.

In its press release, Washington welcomed this new truce. According to the White House, this measure commits ” the parties to the conflict ” – the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC) on one side and the M23 rebels and the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) on the other – to silence their weapons, allow the voluntary return of displaced persons, and provide humanitarian personnel with unhindered access to vulnerable populations. The truce covers the areas of hostilities that most affect civilian populations “, said the spokesperson for the US National Security Council, Adrienne Watson.

No confirmation from DRC or Rwanda

The recent expansion of fighting in North Kivu has prevented aid workers from reaching hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the area around Kanyabayonga, the White House said, and forced more than 100,000 people from their homes.

The US administration calls on all parties to respect the spirit of the truce and assures that the governments of the DRC and Rwanda have expressed their support for this humanitarian truce, which aims to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable populations and create the conditions for a broader de-escalation of tensions in eastern DRC.

So far, neither the Congolese government nor the Rwandan government have reacted to this statement.

Read alsoThe great guest Africa – DRC: “The progression of the M23 after the fall of Kanyabayonga was very rapid”
