US and Canada agree on new migrant rules

US and Canada agree on new migrant rules

Published: Just now

full screen Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau listens to US President Joe Biden at a press conference in Ottawa on Friday. Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP/TT

Canada and the United States have entered into an agreement aimed at stemming the flow of asylum seekers at unofficial border crossings.

The agreement closes a loophole in the existing regulations and increases both countries’ ability to reject the asylum seeker at the border. At the same time, Canada is introducing a quota of 15,000 applications from the Western Hemisphere.

The agreement was presented during Joe Biden’s first trip to the neighbor as US president. He and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau jointly affirmed in the Canadian capital, Ottawa, that the “inseparable” relationship between the countries remains and that their shared values ​​have never been more important in a turbulent world.
