Uruguay always comes back

Uruguay always comes back

The lifting of Uruguay is total. Diego Alonso’s hand is already noticeable and the Celeste is launched to the World Cup. The victory and the sensations against Venezuela trigger the euphoria in a country that a few weeks ago was depressed after the dismissal of Maestro Tabárez. But two games have been enough to prove that the change was necessary, that the old and rusty Uruguay of before can give way to a much fresher and more dynamic one with Diego Alonso at the helm.

His bet on Pellistri was total. For many he is a cold and intermittent player, but his contribution against the Venezuelans was stunning. The Alavés footballer was a nuisance on the right wing. Bentancur opened the scoring coming from behind, but it was the man on the right wing who unbalanced it. One of his plays made it 2-0 for De Arrascaeta and just before the break Cavani made the final decision.

In that Pellistri show that the match turned into, the winger caused a penalty that Luis Suárez scored on the second pitch, as the first was saved by Faríñez. The VAR intervened to say that there was an invasion of the area by the defenders, a concession that finally allowed the athletic forward to smile.

Only a rude error by Giménez that Josef Martínez took advantage of marred a placid end of the game for the Uruguayans. Valverde, immeasurable all night, was withdrawn, as was Cavani, and Uruguay devoted themselves to enjoying scoring and of the points harvested in the last two games that allow him to dream of Qatar. Who would have thought a few days ago…
