Urlule Sami banded for posterity | SVT News

Kerstin Andersson has roots outside Gällivare but now lives in Stockholm and she has taken a particular interest in the Urlule Sami language.

“Unfortunately, I don’t speak Lule Sami myself, but it’s all the more important to preserve it,” she says.

Her older cousins ​​and uncle who, on the other hand, speak Lule Sami, have agreed to let themselves be recorded and become audio files for posterity to enjoy.

The recordings were made possible thanks to Uppsala University and which ISOF, the Institute for Language and Folklore, will now store.

Kerstin Andersson is committed to, among other things, Amnesty Sápmi, but also to writing about the Forest Sami roots where she comes from.

– I know that there is quite a lot of interest among linguists, they have also been and met my relatives.

Hear how Christmas offered something extra delicious in the reindeer forest in the clip above.
