Urinary leaks and pregnancy: I pee when I sneeze

Urinary leaks and pregnancy I pee when I sneeze

Do you pee at the slightest effort, sneeze or cough? You are prone to urinary incontinence which is not uncommon in pregnant women. The perineum and the bladder are indeed subjected to severe test by the weight of the baby. State of play with Dr Brugère, medical gynecologist.

Urinary incontinence during pregnancy: what symptoms?

L’urinary incontinence is characterized by involuntary and uncontrollable loss of urine. In expectant mothers, there are two types of incontinence:

  • Stress incontinence: it manifests itself in case of laughter, coughing, sneezing or intense physical activity. At such times, the pressure exerted on the bladder is increased, which triggers urinary leakage.
  • Urge incontinence or urgency: also known as overactive bladder. It is characterized by pressing and uncontrolled urges to urinate. “These two types of incontinence can be associated during pregnancy. comments Dr. Brugère, medical gynecologist, member of the board of directors of the National Federation of Colleges of Medical Gynecology (FNCGM).

Pregnant, why do I always have to pee?

From the start of pregnancy, it is normal to urinate more frequently because the hormone HCG which is secreted in large quantities during the first weeks, increases blood pressure and sensitivity in the bladder. Estrogen contributes to the relaxation of the muscles of the urethra: this is why the urge to urinate is felt more often. The more the pregnancy advances, the more the size of the uterus increases and the more the pressure exerted on the bladder is important.

Why do I leak urine when I cough or sneeze?

As unpleasant as they may be, bladder leakage is common during pregnancy. The closer the due date approaches, the more it becomes difficult to cough, sneeze, laugh or play sports without having a slight loss of urine. And for good reason, the pressure of the uterus which grows on the bladder and compresses it. “During pregnancy, the size of the kidneys is also increased. Add to this the weight of the baby’s head pressing on the perineum and progesteronea hormone secreted in large quantities during pregnancy, which tends to be diuretic, i.e. to increase urine flow“, explains the medical gynecologist. An inconvenience which is not necessarily relieved with childbirth since the pressures generated on the perineum are important, and all the more so if you give birth to a big baby. “Other factors are likely to promote urinary leakage during pregnancy : constipation, overweight, chronic cough, urinary infections or the practice of sports that generate pressure on the organs supported by the pelvic floor. Women who are prone to urinary leakage in normal times, those who have a perineum that lacks tone, who are overweight, those who have already been pregnant are more at risk of having urinary leakage during pregnancy“, she continues.

“The Crack of the Bag of Waters usually takes place very close to the end. It is a translucent, frank and abundant leakage of liquid, which occurs in the absence of the sensation of urinating and which is continuous. Conversely, urinary leakage will be spaced out and occur several times a day”says Dr Brugère.

The best way to prevent bladder leakage during pregnancy is to work out and strengthen your perineum before you get pregnant. A rehabilitation that can even be carried out during pregnancy to reduce the discomfort felt. It is also recommended toavoid overexertion during pregnancywhether it’s a sport or carrying heavy loads. “You should also remember to check that it is not a urinary tract infection because it can manifest itself in this way.“, warns the specialist.

Beyond its many benefits on posture, back pain and ligament pain, wearing a pregnancy belt helps relieve urinary leakage. The weight of the baby being supported by the belt, the pressure exerted on the perineum and the bladder is less, which greatly reduces the frequent desire to urinate.
