Construction companies, which are among the pioneers of the recent digitalization trend, are standardizing features such as integrated smart home systems, digital infrastructures and environmentally friendly energy solutions in their projects. In this context, Nobles Center, one of the major projects rising in Istanbul, stands out with its aim of offering smart living spaces by combining environmentally friendly approach and technology. Within the scope of the 61 thousand square meter project, all functional areas such as independent residences, social living areas and parking lots are prepared with an infrastructure that can be equipped with smart systems.
In the projects carried out under the leadership of AATD Founding Partner and Information Technologies Expert Tamer Demir, smart living spaces are created beyond conventional construction projects with the ‘digital comfort at home’ concept they offer to the user.
Tamer Demir talks about the contributions of digitalization to this project as follows:
“We do not think of urban transformation only as physical renewal; We believe that sustainable, energy-saving and integrated systems can be spread throughout the city thanks to digital infrastructures. Our goal is to create upgradable living spaces equipped with optional technologies that suit the wishes of the users. In addition to the security and comfort area with the technology used in the projects, the use of photovoltaic panels that highlight energy saving is among our plans and requirements studies. Buildings function like an organism with their digital infrastructure; Many technologies, from camera systems to fire alarms, work in an integrated manner, providing the user with a safe and comfortable living space. It is expected that such projects, which lead in digital transformation, will set an example for other sector representatives and this transformation will spread. “There are great expectations that smart urbanization in Turkey will rise with urban transformation and provide sustainable, updateable and modern living spaces for both city residents and the environment in the future.”