(Finance) – It was held yesterday, at the Suggestive California Bakery Garden & Lounge of Milanthe presentation of the book “Urban and human: rethinking the city for a balance between progress and humanity“, written by Fabrizio Capaccioli, CEO of Asasacert and president of the Green Building Council Italia.
Together with the author Fabrizio Capaccioli, Guido Bardelli, Councilor for the House of the Municipality of Milan, Fulvio Giuliani, director of La Ragione, Giuseppe Latour, journalist and construction expert of Il Sole 24 Ore, Massimiliano Mandarini, architect and biophilic designer and Gabriele Molinari , lawyer and vice -president of the National Cinema Museum of Turin, who edited the preface of the book.
The presentation was moderated by Sara Monaci, journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore.
“Talking about cities means, in my view, to speak above all about people. This is why I am excited to present this work in which I believe a lot”. The author said on the sidelines of the presentation. “An essay that arises from my professional experience for the safety of construction and infrastructure works and from my commitment as president of the Green Building Council Italy, to stimulate a reflection on the future of our cities and to activate an urgent debate on sustainability, inclusion and well -being urban. The inseparable link between the ‘urban’ and ‘human’ factor, key elements to understand the impact of sustainability on our cities and people. Through this perspective, I intended to explore the dynamics of urban sociology to offer a reading key that helps us to rethink the way we live and build our cities, – concludes Capaccioli – placing the well -being, with courage and vision, the well -being of the community”.
The proceeds from the sale will be entirely donated to “Milan Sustainable Italy Foundation “ And at the Rotary Club Passport Innovation, testifying to the concrete commitment to a more sustainable future.