Uragun review (Early access)

Uragun review Early access

In our early access Uragun review, we take a closer look at the story of a robot looking for its pilot in the post-apocalyptic world.

Uragun review: To give a brief information about Uragun, it is a crazy crazy shooter game with a top view. The game, which was recently released into early access on Steam, was both developed and published by Kool2Play. Of course, it is not a revolution in sci-fi style games, but we can say that it is very successful with its extremely entertaining content and weapon mechanics, and it gives you back every penny you give as action.

Uragun review

A Robot Without a Pilot?

In the game, we start as a robot that has just woken up from its deep sleep, is innocent, pure, clean, and its temperament has not changed (we need to praise our robot), which is among the evil robots that have taken over the world, and we challenge all other robots to find our pilot. It is a game where the action is never interrupted, something comes out from everywhere at any moment and we constantly shoot and explode things, in short, every second is full of adrenaline.

Even though it’s an early access game, it really impressed me. It has a very nice and fluid content. It has a lot of features and content instantly. We are currently doing more than 25 missions in only 3 regions. We have 5 main weapons, several types of enemies and some special abilities that we can use while defending ourselves. Of course, when it leaves early access, new regions, missions, weapons, enemies and more content will be added to the game.

Uragun review (Early access)

As players level up, they earn credits based on currency, weapons and efficiency. With each level, the wave of enemies grows exponentially and becomes more complex. Increasing enemy level pushes us to constantly develop new strategies and be successful. If we don’t make the necessary upgrades (weapon and features) for our mech, our robot, our success rate against the enemy in the next episode drops a lot. We have a total of 3 lives for each level. In this way, we have the opportunity to die and come back to form a new strategy against the enemy.

In addition, there are intelligence items hidden in some areas in the game. You can find them and use them to improve the Mech. Since it is early access, the whole story is not available at the moment, only a part of it is given to us.

It’s Up to Us to Save the World

Uragun review (Early access)

The chapters progress in the form of countries and cities of countries. The first episode takes place in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain. Since the entire world is occupied by robots, we are gradually clearing all cities, regions and making the country and therefore our World safe. You know, there are programs on our local TV channels that travel every inch of Anatolia, huh, just think like them. We travel every inch of the world, from city to city. (Blow Blow Anatolia ?? – Gurcan TV )

The robots we fight are basically not as good as we are. The only difference is that they fight in packs. We can beat them all one on one, but when they come upon us as a colony, it is inevitable that we will be cornered and inevitably be hit. No, the appearance of the robots is such that the houses can be called festive. Why does a robot become a centipede or a spider or a scorpion? When 10s of spiders come on you at once, you do everything in panic, you press all the keys and you try to pass the level officially??

Upgradeable Weapons and Features

Uragun review (Early access)

We use various weapons from the beginning to the end of the game. There are 5 different types of weapons, but those who have been with us for a long time are our Minigun (Gitrary Gun) and rocket launcher. It is possible to turn the enemies into bullet maniacs by making rapid shots with the Minigun (Gitrary Gun). It shoots so rapidly that as the bullets go one after the other, the traces they leave behind resemble a wall. You can customize and improve the Minigun, thus increasing its firepower and adding different types of shots. The Rocket Launcher, on the other hand, helps you to eliminate them by creating instant surprise in the consistency of a small pilgrim delight against insurmountable obstacles, barricades, numerous enemies and bosses. Of course, there are not only these weapons, there is a weapon in the game that we shoot a beam, you have to see it, it is unexplainable. You can also upgrade and customize your weapons with different modifications to make them reach longer firing distances or inflict more damage.

Apart from weapons, we have some additional features. For example, we can make an instant blast wave. When multiple enemies surround us, when we can’t get out of the way, an explosion solves everything. Or we can jump forward as if we were shouldering the enemies, this is a great feature that is sometimes used to escape from the enemy and sometimes to destroy it. (One of the features I use the most)

Uragun review (Early access)

Since Uragun’s graphics are low-poly (low poly), it does not contain many graphics options. But of course, don’t let that mean the game doesn’t look perfect. The graphics are in perfect harmony with the game flow. You can say, actually, it has very high quality graphics for a game in early access.

There is a musical environment in the game that keeps the action high. You know, there are music playing in the background over and over for hours, just the same. But since we are in an action environment, we can say that it does not scratch the ear, or even goes unnoticed. It is possible to say the same for warning sounds. For example, when your health is low, it literally blows into your ear and warns you slightly. Did I take damage while dealing with the constant wave of enemies in the game? Have I lost my life? will i die? You don’t think so, as soon as you hear the sound, you involuntarily suffocate yourself.


Uragun review (Early access)

In fact, as I said, although it is an early access game, it is a game that really takes you captive. You don’t want to leave the game after a certain time. Especially if you can’t pass the level and start all over again, it is necessary to try the game over and over with different strategies, and each time you set up a different system and defeat your enemies. At the end of each chapter, a scoring screen appears and you see your success. If that score is not enough for you, you play the same level again from the beginning to increase it. While I was studying at university, I used to get on the bulls to increase my low grades and for some reason I always got a lower score than my current grade, so this is also possible in the game, you can drop it when you say that I will get up and increase the score, oh well think about it??

After hours of continuous play, I can say that Uragun will reach a lot of players in the coming months and will receive positive marks from most of them. Because the biggest problem in today’s games is that there are no repetitive tasks, low artificial intelligence and insufficient story in this game. Now, what is really interesting are the improvements and developments that will come to the game in the early access process.
