Upset mood in L’s parliamentary group after SD disclosure

Tomorrow, Thursday, Tidöpartierna’s party secretaries will meet to discuss the TV4 review. Today, the same circle meets, though strictly limited to the government parties.

And the atmosphere within the collaboration is described as anything but good.

SD and the revelation about “troll factories”

  • SD’s response: Sent list of posts to Tidöpartierna

  • Västerås politician Elias Norgren (SD) works at the media channel Riks – sees no risk of assignments clashing

  • – We have to find a passable way, it is not possible to screw up what we have agreed on, says a person in the government office, and refers to what two out of three party leaders in the government have now expressed:

    That the Sweden Democrats, through their actions, have violated the Tidö Agreement, where they promise to speak respectfully of each other’s representatives.

    – It is an obvious violation of the Tidö Agreement, said Ebba Busch on Tuesday.

    – That is my opinion, says the Liberal party leader Johan Pehrson at a press conference on Wednesday.

    Requirement for M to take command

    According to information to SVT, several members of the Liberals’ parliamentary group have reacted strongly to what emerged in the Cold Facts review, but also the subsequent handling of Jimmie Åkesson. The atmosphere is described by sources as bad and demands have been made for the Moderates to take command in the matter.

    – We feel an outrage about this of course, we feel that if we uphold the Tidö Agreement and take responsibility for Sweden, we expect others to do the same, confirms Johan Pehrson.

    – This must have consequences, says Member of Parliament Malin Danielsson.

    Anna Starbrink, who distinguished herself as one of L’s fiercest SD critics, demands that SD put an end to “net trolls and deep fake activities”, writes SvD. In an SMS to the magazine, she writes:

    “Otherwise, I don’t understand how government cooperation can continue”.

    The Christian Democrats’ parliamentary group supports the criticism leveled by the party leader.
