Chatham-Kent councilors voted to move ahead with a number of upgrades to veteran memorial parks within the municipality.
Staff presented recommendations during Monday’s meeting, asking that funds to cover the costs, of up to $200,000, come from the parks and recreational facilities reserve.
Work to be completed includes:
– Addition of lights, benches, fencing and plaques at the Chatham cenotaph and Wheatley memorial;
– The addition of “Cpl Harry Milner, VC” name to the Blenheim memorial;
– Replacement of the plaque at the Bothwell memorial.
The municipality will also apply for partial funding of the refurbishments to the federal government’s Canada Community War Memorial funding program.
Up to half of eligible expenditures, not exceeding a maximum of $25,000, may be reimbursed. A minimum of 25 per cent of the applicant’s portion of the overall project cost must be finds, while up to 25 per cent can be in-kind contributions, stated a staff report.
The municipality was previously contacted by community members with requests for additions and maintenance to local veteran memorials.
In 2021, council approved a motion from Mayor Darrin Canniff asking that administration create a report to determine opportunities to improve and sustain the quality and attractiveness of all monuments and parks that honor veterans.
Earlier this month, Chatham-Kent police reported vandalism of the Chatham cenotaph, which included two swastikas spray painted on the monument.
This was the second time in fourth months the war memorial has been defaced. The cenotaph was also vandalized just before Remembrance Day last November.
Chatham County. Alysson Storey noted the staff report was already in the works before the vandalism occurred, but asked about potential security measures.
Edward Soldo, Chatham-Kent’s general manager of infrastructure and engineering, said there have been discussions with the police service on the matter, with further details to come.
Canniff added that camera security will also be installed at the cenotaph.
“In speaking with the chief of police, yes, there will be a camera being put there in short order,” he said.
“That was planned prior to what happened there, but it certainly really puts the exclamation mark on why we need to have something there.”
With respect to other memorials in Chatham-Kent, the report mentioned that no work was planned at this time.
Calling it crucial to help preserve the legacy of those who served, Storey believes municipalities need to stay vigilant in the years to come.
“As time goes on, and the further we get, and we lose more and more veterans, the importance of these sites actually becomes increased,” she said.
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