Today, the battles in the Destiny 2 universe will once again be on hold for a while as Bungie shuts down the servers for the update. We have put together all the information and details about this in this article and will tell you exactly when you cannot gamble.
Update history for Update
7:41 p.m.: Bungie has just reported: All systems are back online. We have already been able to log in and hope you can too. You can find the patch notes further down in the article. Among other things, it was announced that the Ascendant emblem on Shaxx is now correct again and Bungie has removed the extra anti-champion artifact benefits of “Offense” and “LeMonarque”.
7:00 p.m.: The update for Destiny 2 is available. On PC it is 112.5 MB. There is no further news from Bungie yet. However, these should come soon – including the patch notes
4:15 p.m.: According to plan, Bungie’s servers have just gone offline. The players can now expect a downtime of several hours. We will keep you up to date.
What you need to know today: This week, the Tuesday update in Destiny 2 has been moved to Thursday. And as always, this downtime will bring changes to the game and maybe fix some annoying bugs for the Guardians.
That’s just part of what Bungie could be planning today with the latest update. But the work also means you won’t be able to play for a while.
However, we will keep you informed and tell you when the servers are back online.
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Maintenance on 07.09. – All times to the server down
These times are important today: Bungie informed players of the exact times via Twitter. The planned downtime today is 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Here is the exact maintenance schedule:
Background maintenance starts at 3:00 p.m. on all platforms.
Around 4:15 p.m. the servers go offline. Players are automatically kicked out of the game.
During the downtime, Bungie will launch Season 22 Update It will be rolled out gradually so that players on all platforms can download it.
At 7 p.m. everything should be back online and you can gamble again.
The maintenance will then continue in the background until 9:00 p.m.
Important: As long as the background maintenance is running, there can always be connection problems in the game. In addition, there may be queues when logging in after the maintenance, because Bungie only releases access to the servers gradually to avoid load problems. So you may have to wait longer today before you are back in the game.
Also, keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app may also not be accessible correctly for a while, preventing you from using them.
This changes with Update in Season 22
Deactivated until September 19th: The Titan’s Season 22 Exotic “Firestorm”
This could be included in Update Of course there is also something to do in Season 22 for Destiny 2 Help Support. Players have already found some bugs and Bungie has adjusted the list of currently known issues accordingly.
Here are the currently known problems in Season 22:
The Titan’s Firestorm season exotic is disabled in all activities. It is expected to be reactivated on September 19th.
Face down cards from the Desk of Prophecy indicate that they grant witch engrams, but they do not grant bounty.
Vanguard Ops, Crucible, and Gambit playlists grant Legendary Apex Engrams instead of focusable Exotic Engrams.
Shader preview is not available when a gear preview is displayed in the vendor focus menu.
The perk description for the Astrocyte Verse Exotic Warlock Helm is inaccurate.
Tangle generation cooldowns are inconsistent across sources.
The Last Will and Testament quest can no longer be successfully completed.
Discord and Wendigo cannot currently be channeled on Zavala.
Warlock Tissue Aspect damage reduction is not applied to Explosive Charges.
Area Shot Exotic Fusion Rifle incorrectly applies full-screen blur when aiming.
The Secondary Energy Ornament for the Healing Armor Exotic Titan chest armor is missing a detail piece on the back.
The crafting version of Dead Man’s Tale does not show owned or available ornaments when inspected.
The “Bulbultarang” badge does not appear in Collections and cannot be claimed.
Exchanging shaders or emotes during a locked loadout activity will cause Guardians to return to orbit with an error.
The hunter chest armor “Photonic Armor Vest” is not available for “Armor Synthesis”.
Some players may see an “Open Event Map” on screen that may obstruct their view.
Some players report that the clan banner doesn’t appear for them even though they already belong to a clan. As a workaround, you can currently speak to Hawthorne and pick up the clan banner item.
The Apply to All shaders option in the Appearance Customization screen lists the custom shaders in a random order.
Several Season 22 Sparrows have misaligned brake lights. Amanda Holiday is missing.
Monte Carlo’s bayonet stab doesn’t currently trigger a “gamepad rumble.”
Player name changes are not infinitely customizable through Several “Number Guardians” continue to wait here for the option to change their player name again, instead of getting the “You don’t have any name changes available” message.
If you know of other bugs in the game that are not listed here, please feel free to share them in our comments section.
Patch Notes for Update in Destiny 2
Also in Season 22 some lights are flashing red and need help from Bungie Support
What’s in the patch notes? Bungie publishes the list of all changes for the update in the form of patch notes. However, these will not be online until this evening and will then give a complete overview of all the problems and improvements that have been fixed.
Once they are published we will link them in this article as things may change later.
As we prepare to dive back into the world of Destiny 2, we want to hear from you. Tell us in the comments what you think of the current Season 22, what you like and what you don’t like. We look forward to your answers.
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