Last week the guardians were completely spared from downtimes. But that’s the end of it today. Destiny 2 is updating and the game will be temporarily offline. In this article, we take a look at the exact times and what changes to expect.
7:15 p.m.: In the Weekly Reset you will find all the important information about this Destiny 2 week. And of course we have also added the latest details to the article on the event for you.
7:00 p.m.: Bungie just rolled out the update on time. On the PC it is 505.6 MB in size. The patch notes are out as well. We’ll link them to you further down in the article.
5:15 p.m.: Destiny 2 servers are now offline for maintenance. For all waiting players, there is at least the new trailer for Solstice 2023.
What you need to know today: Sometimes the witness brings the realization that Destiny 2 has long desired. Sometimes you just catch carp. And sometimes you can’t gamble for a short time. Because Destiny 2 has announced update and will take its servers offline for this.
With the 3-week Solstice Event 2023 approaching the start of the event, the servers will be down, Bungie will be fixing some bugs and we’ll keep you updated on the status of the update.
Destiny 2 lights the fires in Solstice Event 2023
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In-game system for the support messages: Destiny 2 communicates its information about the server downs and, above all, important support messages mainly via Twitter. But now there have been changes here that non-registered users can no longer see tweets on the platform and have to create an account.
MeinMMO will of course keep you up to date. But players have also asked Bungie if an in-game messaging and update system might not be a better solution. And the developer replied that they are looking for solutions.
What you ask is not as easy as you think, especially due to character limit and multi-language support. But we’re exploring alternative ways to communicate with everyone.
said Bungie Support via Destiny Reddit
Until then, however, all reports of server downs and announcements will continue to be shared via Twitter. Like today’s update maintenance.
Maintenance on 07/18 – All server down times
These times are important today: Today’s update will be coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC. According to current planning, the planned downtime is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
MeinMMO will accompany the server down and will regularly update this article with the latest information from Bungie Support should the times change.
Here is the exact schedule for today’s maintenance in Destiny 2:
Also, keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app may also not be accessible correctly for a while, so you won’t be able to use them.
This changes with Update in Season 21
That brings the hotfix today: Bungie is still working on some known issues that have been reported. Here we give an overview of the current status of the list.
Patch notes for maintenance in Destiny 2
What’s in the patch notes? Bungie publishes the list of all changes for maintenance in the form of patch notes. However, these will only appear tonight and give a complete overview of all fixed problems and improvements.
As soon as they are published, we will link them in this article, as this may change later.
Immediately after the maintenance work, the free solstice event will start. MeinMMO tells you everything that’s new there and what the armor glow looks like:
Destiny 2: Solstice Event 2023 starts today with 2 new perks and harder difficulty