Upcoming budget a chance to help define Chatham-Kent’s priorities: McGregor

Upcoming budget a chance to help define Chatham Kents priorities McGregor

With difficult decisions expected during deliberations in January, Chatham-Kent’s budget chair says councilors are ready to move ahead.

The opening night of budget is fast approaching, with the initial presentation slated for Jan. 11 at 6 pm in council chambers.

As with many other municipalities, Chatham-Kent is facing rising cost pressures and other hurdles, says Coun. Brock McGregor.

“I expect it to be a challenging budget session with the impact of inflation, decrease in support from the provincial government, and increased infrastructure costs,” the budget chair said in an interview on Dec. 29.

“It is this council’s first real opportunity to define priorities for the coming term.”

In October, municipal officials launched an online survey to gather the public’s opinions on how to best spend tax dollars in the coming year.

Municipal staff will use this input in the development of the budget, which will be provided to council prior to deliberations.

Although the survey has wrapped up, citizens can still voice budgetary concerns to their councilors at any time through email or by phone.

McGregor is hopeful residents will take the opportunity to have their say, and that council keeps an open mind throughout the deliberations.

“The budget process allows lots of opportunity for public input,” he said. “It is important that through the process, after the presentation of the draft budget, the budget committee commits to engaging with and reviewing public input.”

Online community consultation meetings are slated for Jan. 18 at noon and Jan. 7 p.m.

For the past two years, these consultations took place online because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, staff noted in a report to council this fall the online format resulted in increased public participation and, as a result, were recommended to continue.

Budget committee deliberations will be held at 6 pm on Jan. 25, Jan. 26 and Jan. 31, with Feb. 1 and 2 set aside if needed.

This year’s budget process has been titled: “Budget 2023: Inspiring Chatham-Kent.”

For more information, visit www.chatham-kent.ca/localgovernment/budget/Pages/Our-Municipal-Budgets.aspx.
