Up to the point, but the pain is unbearable! You are at risk if you are sitting down

Up to the point but the pain is unbearable You

Hair loss is one of the most common complaints that is seen in everyone, especially men, and reduces the quality of life considerably. There are some precautions you can take to prevent ingrown hairs.

Hair loss is a disease located between the hips, called the internatal area. In general, those who work sitting down and those whose two hips are deep, that is, people who are overweight, have hair in the area. Involvement of hair is the inversion of hair in various parts of the body, especially in the coccyx, groin and genital area, under the armpits, and entering under the skin and causing abscesses, wounds and fistulas by forming a hair cut.


It affects social life negatively because it causes discomfort in simple sitting and standing actions. prof. Dr. Ediz Altınlı gave information about ingrown hairs and laser treatment. In order to prevent ingrown hair, it is important to give importance to personal hygiene, to stay away from excess weight and to stay physically active constantly.


Many treatment methods have been used for ingrown hairs until today. In the procedure called Limberg flap, which is performed under general anesthesia for 1.5-2 hours, the area is removed in the form of a lozenge and the top is left uncovered. Keeping the treated area open can cause some difficulties in social life. The subsequent maintenance process also requires great precision.


In the past years, endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment called epsit, which is one of the non-surgical methods, has also been applied to many patients. In this process, the cystic lesion inside is completely seen and cleaned with the camera by entering through the holes.


At the end of the procedure, the patient has no pain. Patients can sit comfortably after the procedure. In all other hair loss treatments, sitting on the post-procedure area is either completely prohibited or allowed within certain periods.

After the laser hair removal procedure, you can return to daily life and start working the next day. You can take a shower immediately after the procedure. The only restriction after the procedure is not to do heavy sports for 6 weeks, not to ride a motorcycle and to take a break from sports such as rowing. One of the biggest advantages of lepsit is that the process can be repeated. Since no extra incision is made on the patient, there is no problem in cases where the procedure needs to be repeated.
