Up to Høyre if I stay

Up to Hoyre if I stay
full screenErna Solberg at the press conference last week when she talked about her husband engaging in stock trading during her time as prime minister. Photo: Heiko Junge/AP/TT

Norska Høyre’s party leader Erna Solberg wants to continue in her post, she says after it was revealed that her husband Sindres Finnes secretly speculated in shares.

Solberg points out, however, that it is not her who decides whether she can stay.

– It is a question that it is up to Høyre to decide, she says in an interview with E24.

Erna Solberg believes that difficult decisions should not be made in difficult situations and claims that she does not back down from responsibility for the situation.

– I thought I had fulfilled my responsibility. I had no reason to believe that Sindre was deceiving me, she says in the interview.

Erna Solberg meets several Norwegian media on Thursday to answer questions about the share scandal, which she first told about last week.

Norwegian media have published a list of over 3,600 stock deals – an average of more than one every day Solberg was right-wing prime minister from 2013 to 2021. In total, Finnes has earned upwards of SEK 2 million from the trade.
