Up to 624 euros in aid for this system which will become mandatory for everyone

Up to 624 euros in aid for this system which

Whether you are an owner or tenant, and whatever your income level, you can benefit from this aid of up to 624 euros. This new system will soon be mandatory in all homes, but you only have a few months left to apply for it.

A new device to adjust the temperature of homes will allow the French to reduce their energy bill, up to 15% on their heating bill, according to the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). Thus, depending on the weather, the time of day, it will be possible to set the right temperature in the different rooms of the house, and remotely, via your smartphone. Practical when you come home from work, if you want to warm up the living room before going home, or the bedroom before going to bed.

Indeed, the government wants to encourage the installation of connected thermostats through the “Coup de pouce pilotage connecté du chauffage pièce par pièce” (Connected heating control boost for each room) scheme. Financial aid ranging from 260 euros to 624 euros, depending on the heated surface area of ​​your home, is granted to anyone who installs a connected thermostat. This aid is therefore available to everyone, whether you are an owner or tenant and regardless of your level of income. The only condition is that your home must have been built for more than two years and the heating must not be a collective system, but individual.

According to a decree published in the Official Journal on June 8, 2023, all new and existing homes must be equipped with an automatic heating temperature regulation system per room, from January 1, 2027. This can be a connected thermostat, or “a device with at least the basic temperature programming functions,” the government specifies. To anticipate while benefiting from this financial aid, know that you have until December 31, 2024 to install a connected thermostat and benefit from this aid.

Here is the amount of aid according to the heated surface:

Less than 35 m2: 260 euros

Between 35 and 60 m2: 312 euros

Between 60 and 70 m2: 364 euros

Between 70 and 90 m2: 416 euros

Between 90 and 110 m2: 520 euros

Between 110 and 130 m2: 572 euros

Greater than 130 m2: 624 euros

Remember that to benefit from this aid, the installation of the connected thermostat must have been carried out by a professional. Do not hesitate to compare the offers of the signatories of the charter “Coup de pouce pilotage connecté du chauffage pièce par pièce” and to make a quote. The aid granted can be paid to you by transfer or by check, or be deducted from the amount of the installation.
