Up to 3,000 euros in aid: few seniors know that they are entitled to this “financial assistance”

Up to 3000 euros in aid few seniors know that

Several organizations offer this very specific assistance, which can be used to cover major expenses.

Many people, once they reach a certain age or retirement, begin to dream of new life projects, such as moving. The reasons can be multiple: finding a more pleasant living environment near the sea or in the countryside, being closer to your children and grandchildren or having accommodation more suited to their situation. Whatever the reason, moving inevitably involves expenses. A cost that can quickly put a dent in the budget of some seniors. Fortunately, there is very specific financial assistance that can support elderly people during a move.

This financial boost is very different from the moving bonus paid by Caf or MSA, which we often hear about, but which is primarily intended for families. For seniors, this is moving assistance granted by pension funds. Indeed, certain pension organizations can cover part or all of the costs associated with a move. In general, it depends on the age, profession and level of resources of the affiliate.

Among the structures that offer this type of service, there is in particular one of the basic plans, Carsat (retirement and occupational health insurance fund) which supports its policyholders by paying them “financial assistance” of 780 euros maximum. in the event of expenses linked to an exceptional situation, such as a move.

The Agirc-Arrco supplementary retirement fund offers slightly more substantial assistance, which is capped at 3,500 euros and which does not exceed 65% of total costs. The Ircantec pension also provides financial support if you plan to move, and the amount of the premium varies depending on the situation of the insured. Do not hesitate to contact your organization to find out if you are eligible or not. Also note that some pension funds can offer assistance for adapting the home, if it needs, for example, a new walk-in shower, grab bars, etc.
