Unusual names: a baby named Griezmann Mbappé

Unusual names a baby named Griezmann Mbappe

In Chile, parents have chosen to name their son Griezmann Mbappé, like the two attackers of the France football team. An anthology of the worst names listed by our Internet users and on the net.

Griezmann Mbappé, Soupline, Assedic or even Clitorine… Parents do not hesitate to attribute a wacky first name to their offspring, sometimes without thinking of the consequences for the child. If these first names are not for your future baby, they make us laugh because they are so unexpected. It is sometimes the circumstances that inspire parents, such as this mother who gives birth in mid-flight and decides to name her son by the name of the airline company Jet Star, or the one who gives birth aboard a VTC and who calls her child. Uber child. Without forgetting these Indian twins born in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, and who were named Covid and Corona ! Discover the most unusual first names assigned to children:

Griezmann Mbappé

In Chile, parents who are fans of the French football team have chosen the names of the players Kylian Mbappé and Antoine Griezmann for their son, born on Saturday January 1, 2022. “We warmly greet Griezmann Mbappé, the first baby to be born at Copiapó hospital in 2022. A big hug for him and his mother Teodora for the arrival of their son who was born this Saturday at 9:09 p.m.” Atacama Health Center announced on Twitter.

First name Glhynnyl Hylhyr Yzzyghyl

Young parents living in the Philippines decided to name their son, born April 27, 2021, Glhynnyl Hylhyr Yzzyghy. To compose this strange name, they called on the great uncle of the baby who mixed the first names of the members of the family! Glhynnyl is thus a derivative of Geraldine, the first name of the mother of the baby and of Joralyn, the first name of his grandmother! He added Y which is a vowel very used in family names. This first name would be pronounced “Glinil Hayler Izihil” according to the great uncle who confided in Vice.

First name Lux, like Instagram filter

Parents are avid users of social networks. And those who are particularly followers of Instagram have not hesitated to name their baby Lux, or even Amaro, Maven, Hudson, or even Nashville, the name of the filters used to retouch his photos.

Uber first name

In New Delhi, a young mother named her son Uber after giving birth in a VTC. Indeed, the ambulance did not arrive in time to drive her to the nearest hospital, the young woman contacted the vehicle company to take her quickly to the maternity ward. “The child was born after a few minutes and I was very happy to see that he was responding well,” the driver told The Times of India.

Soupline and Cajoline

Inspired by brands of fabric softeners, these first names affublé with two twins made our Internet user laugh, who heard them at his school.


In the series of first names with a sexual connotation, Clitorine seems to be very popular with parents. Heard by many Internet users, the name Clitorine is far from unanimous! “I was shocked” explains Ana, “I pity this little girl” sympathizes Olivia and Sylvie wonders why the town hall accepted this first name … Another variant in the genre, “Clitorise”.

Asterix and Obelix

The names of famous comic book characters have inspired parents of twins. But our reader, Isabelle, is surprised: “I found it incredible that these were admitted by civil status officers while at the same time some refuse very classic first names but with an original spelling!”

Kendjy, from Girac

His parents are surely Kendjy Girac fans. When their baby is born in Girac, near Angoulême in Charente, they decide to call her Kendjy! We wish as much success as the star singer of The Voice, to Kendjy de Girac.

Saw Jet Star, born on the plane

It was during a flight from Singapore to Yango (in Burma) that a young mother gave birth to her baby boy in April 2016. She decided to name her son Saw Jet Star, after the Asian airline company Jet Star Airlines. The most unusual is undoubtedly that his real last name is Star.

Jihad, far from unanimous

If the choice of a first name is generally a very personal matter, it sometimes provokes a lot of debate! This is particularly the case of Jihad, a first name given to a little boy born on August 2 in Léguevin (in the suburbs of Toulouse). According to Toulouse news, the first name was allowed but “has been the subject of a report to the public prosecutor“. “The choice of parents creates unease in the town“, had specified the magazine. This is not the first time that this first name is registered in the civil register, it means in Arabic” abnegation, effort “and” struggle “.

Air Force One Barack Obama

Following the historic visit of the US President to Kenya, his father’s country of origin, many parents named their child Barack Obama. The worst name is given to a father who wished to pay tribute to the American leader’s plane by choosing to call his son: Air Force One Barack Obama!


Parents, who must particularly appreciate the Pôle Emploi (also called Assedic), chose it as the first name for their child. An astonishing tribute.


Mixing first name from the “Magic Roundabout” and invented first name, this compound first name is worthy of a cartoon character! One thing is certain: it is not easy to wear.


“Read in the newspaper, simply because the mother gave birth on the device.” Corinne remembers. A first name given at the last moment therefore, but not very flattering!


“Not long ago, in our weekly newspaper from the region, we were shocked to see the first name of Titeuf in the births section. This comic book character is certainly funny but very rude and a little ‘stupid’. Hoping that he will not have a little sister (in the comic strip her name is Zizi!) “Lilie tells us on the forum.


“As a teacher, I saw some green and unripe pass by … This one won the tassel anyway!” Elodie explains to us.


Star Wars, such a cult film that it has unconditional fans. The proof, parents gave the first name of the famous jedi to their little boy.


The prince charming who transports us to the kingdom of a thousand and one night has won the heart of a mother … to the point of pushing her to call her son “Aladdin”.

Fertile and Conception

“Fertile” and “Conception” must have been very desired little girls … Heard in Florida, in the United States, by our reader, these names can make you smile.


“Melchiotte (you have to pronounce the” ch “as being a” k “, but I can already imagine the mockery at school)” indicates our reader, is carried by a little girl. A first name that can indeed quickly be misused …


Both greedy and flowery, this first name was attributed to a little girl. But if these two names are individually chewable, their association may seem exaggerated.

The worst names given to babies in 2021

In 2020, some parents had already done their best by choosing a very daring name for their child. Elon Musk, the founder of Space X, had thus obtained the palm of originality by calling his son X Æ A-12 ! Other parents had also made a particular choice by naming their child JJesus Power, Mortal, Gwendaulynne, Dauphin, Dexterity or even Satanfoune. The worst remaining undoubtedly Korona while the coronavirus has killed millions of people around the world. here is the worst names given to babies in 2021 and unearthed on the Reddit forum:

Some parents chose to call their child Crispy, Monster, Fallopia or Linoleum ! Others have particularly racked their brains (a little too much, no doubt) to imagine first names made from scratch like Jelli-Anne or Mileage. And what about little boy named Truck (truck in English) and the little girl called Mybless (my blessing in English)? For the moment, the prize for bad taste goes to Pandemica which does not require translation …

► Out of inspiration for the baby’s first name? : Discover our first names guide
