Until when can you fly while pregnant?

Until when can you fly while pregnant

Traveling by plane while pregnant is quite possible, up to a certain month of pregnancy and if there are no medical contraindications. But it all depends on the airlines. Explanations with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

THE air travel are not prohibited for pregnant woman, except in the case of diseases and medical contraindications. It is therefore possible to fly while pregnant, but until what month of pregnancy? The mother-to-be will in some cases have to present a certificate to the airline with which she travels. After 37 weeks of amenorrhea (SA), it is nevertheless advisable to stay close to the maternity ward. To find out more, we interviewed Anh-Chi Ton, a liberal midwife in Paris.

Can you fly while pregnant?

Flying during pregnancy does not pose a particular risk to a pregnant woman. But, it must above all take into account its state of form. In the first trimester, between nausea, fatigue and stress related to early pregnancy, a plane flight can be stressful. In the second trimester, expectant mothers are generally in better shape. But there again, they must listen to their body’s signals and take no risk for their health and that of the future baby, especially if they have contractions.

Can a woman travel by plane at 6 months of pregnancy?

On paper, nothing formally opposes a plane trip at six months of pregnancy. “If the pregnant woman is fine, there are no contraindications, she can fly at six months of pregnancy without any problem”, says the expert.

Until what month of pregnancy can you fly?

If there are no medical contraindications, a pregnant woman can fly up to 9 months of pregnancy. “As a precaution, from 37 HERit is better not to fly and not to stray too far from the maternity ward, because the pregnant woman can go into labor at any time“, explains the midwife.

“From 37 SA, it is best not to fly pregnant.”

In which case is the plane not recommended for pregnant women?

Air travel may be inadvisable during pregnancy if pregnant woman has pregnancy complications. “Generally, traveling poses a risk if the pregnant woman is in danger of premature labor (MAP)or if there is a risk of significant bleeding when the placenta is low inserted”explains the caregiver.

Up to which month of pregnancy should you fly according to the airlines?

Some airlines impose conditions on pregnant women who wish to fly during their pregnancy, such as:

  • American Airlines : if the birth is planned in the 4 weeks preceding the plane trip, the mother-to-be must provide a medical certificate which certifies that you have seen a doctor recently and that you can travel.
  • EasyJet : in the event of a single pregnancy, a pregnant woman can fly until the end of the 35th week of pregnancy. For a multiple pregnancy, it is allowed until the end of the 32nd week of pregnancy.
  • Transavia : up to 36 SG, a pregnant woman is authorized to take a Transavia plane. If there are pregnancy complications, a medical certificate is requested regardless of the stage of pregnancy. From 34 SG, twin pregnancies or pregnancies with complications are not allowed.
  • Emirates : from 29 SG, the pregnant woman must present a medical certificate or a letter signed by the doctor or the midwife, specifying the expected date of delivery, that there are no contraindications and that she is in good health. Beyond the 32nd SG for a multiple pregnancy or the 36th week of a single pregnancy, an expectant mother cannot travel with Emirates.
  • RyanAir : after 28 SG, the pregnant woman must show a certificate of fitness to travel by plane, completed by a midwife or a doctor. Beyond week 32 of a multiple pregnancy or week 36 of a single pregnancy, she is not permitted to travel with RyanAir.
  • Vueling : pregnant women can travel up to 27 weeks of pregnancy without having to provide a medical certificate. Between 28 and 35 SG (inclusive), you must present a medical clearance. This document must have a period of validity, the registration number with the order of doctors and the signature of the doctor. From the 36th SG, Vueling flights are prohibited for pregnant women.

What are the dangers of flying while pregnant?

Be reassured, flying will not cause childbirth, reminds the midwife. Nevertheless, for the air travel to go well, certain precautions must be taken. “During pregnancy and postpartum, the thromboembolic risk is increased. When traveling by plane, it is therefore useful to be prescribed compression stockings“, advises Anh-Chi Ton.

“During a plane trip, it is useful to be prescribed compression stockings”.

“It is also important that the pregnant woman gets up and walks regularly to activate blood circulation. Another trick to work the vessels and muscles: roll a tennis ball underfoot“, she adds. The latter also reminds us that it is important to stay hydrated during the flight and take spasfon and doliprane with you in case of small contractions caused by fatigue.

What documents to provide to fly pregnant?

Some airlines ask pregnant women to provide a medical certificate attesting that they can travel without risk. “As a midwife, I can establish this certificate, after having carried out an examination of the future mother and in particular after having ensured that the cervix is ​​neither shortened nor opened.“, indicates the caregiver. In general, the document must contain this information:

  • Confirmation of a single or multiple pregnancy.
  • The absence of complications during pregnancy.
  • The date of the term of the pregnancy.
  • Sometimes the latest date the doctor thinks you can still travel.

Before considering air travel during pregnancy, do not hesitate to contact the airline to find out its policy on the matter.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, liberal midwife in Paris.
