UN’s Russia-Ukraine Food Crisis Warning

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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of a food crisis due to the war with Russia and Ukraine. Guterres said that the global food security problem cannot be solved without solving the problems of Russia and Ukraine’s agricultural production.

The UN Secretary General pointed out that the agricultural activities of Russia and Ukraine and Russia’s fertilizer production are extremely important for the solution of the global food problem.

“Our analysis reveals that the war in Ukraine is making things worse and creating a three-dimensional problem,” Guterrres said at a meeting in Nigeria. “For developing countries, the war has devastating effects on global food, energy and finance,” he said.

“It is not possible to truly solve the problem of the global food problem without getting Ukraine, Russia and Belarus to produce their agricultural products again and enabling Russia to supply fertilizers to the world market,” the UN Secretary-General said.

Last month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that Russia’s attacks on Ukraine had a major negative impact, especially on sub-Saharan African countries. It is known that these countries are currently experiencing serious food problems.

It is also pointed out that rising energy prices make it more difficult for people to reach food in many countries, especially in African countries.

“We need to redirect excess resources and reserves to those in need by removing all unnecessary export restrictions,” Guterres said. We must create a stable environment in food and energy,” he said.
