Unreleased Duken Nukem: Endangered Species game

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Our maniac, Duke Nukem, is back. Moreover, with a game that has never appeared before. The goal is to hunt endangered animals.

The veterans of the game world know Duke Nukem well. Our angry heroine is watching the soap opera Dr. After being interrupted by Proton, he caught a mild cold and was on the road for revenge. After the game took a lot, sequels came.

Duke Nukem: Endangered Species revealed

The popularity of the first game and the success of the subsequent sequels drew the attention of Gearbox Software and bought the rights of the game. However, it also caused the cancellation of many projects that were planned and started to work before. one of them Duke Nukem: Endangered Species was.

This production of Duke, which set out to hunt genetically modified animals designed to bring about the end of the world, unfortunately took its place among the canceled projects when the company changed hands before it was completed.

In Duke Nukem: Endangered Species, which also has quite large maps, we traveled in many places from hunting bears in the North Pole to hunting scorpions in the Egyptian deserts. You can find the video of the game below.

Unfortunately, the unfinished production formed the basis of a horror game called Vivisector: Beast Within, which will be released in 2006.
