(Finance) – In 2024 the Long Term Rental of cars and off-road vehicles records 949,162 contractswith growth of 33.6% compared to the previous year. According to the analysis developed by UNRAE based on the data provided by the MIT, during the year, 13.9% of NLT contracts lasting more than 30 days were stipulated with private individuals (131,609 units), recording a growth of 48.0% compared to 2023 , and 86.1% with Companies (817,553 units), up 31.5%.
In this last category, there is a clear prevalence of Non-automotive companies with a share of 72.4% of the total contracts and an increase of 29.1% compared to the previous year. This is followed by Short Term Rental (NBT) companies with a share that rises from 5.8% in 2023 to 7.7%, Dealers and Manufacturers with 4.5% (4.1% in 2023), and the others NLT company with the remaining 1.5% (down from 2.6% a year ago).
There duration average of contracts remains stable at 23 months, with differences between the various channels: 25 for non-automotive companies, 23 for private individuals, 15 for Dealers and Manufacturers and NLT and 12 for NBT.