Unpublished: World Day to Save the Bears with the great photographer David Bittner

Unpublished World Day to Save the Bears with the great

On the occasion of the world day to save the bearswhich takes place every year on February 21, David Bittner shares incredible shots where grizzly bears and coastal bears can be seen in all their glory.

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The brown bear is a symbol of power. However, at birth, he is no bigger than a hand. And it is with mum that he learns to manage in his environment. It is also an animal that is probably more intelligent than we naturally think. He is able to learn and analyze situations. And even, to use tools. The brown bear also represents for researchers a model that allows them to deepen their knowledge of certain human diseases. © Futura Science

A special day to support endangered bears is held on February 21 each year. The world day to save the bears exists since 2007 thanks to Theodore Roosevelt, but it has trouble fitting into European calendars. This year 2022, the French association Aves France (Agir pour le Vivant et les Species Sauvages) relays this event on a three-day schedule, from February 19 to 21, by broadcasting content on their page Facebook and Youtube. Aves France develops educational tools to raise awareness among the general public and supports land associations working for the eight bear species (American black bear, Brown bear, giant pandaWhite Bear, asiatic black bearsun bear, spectacled bear, sloth bear).

Bear watching

Of these eight species of bears that exist on Earthsix are part of the 23% of mammals threat extinction. It would seem that only the American black bear and the brown bear (the grizzly) are spared for the time being, except in certain communities located in southern Europe and central Asia. However, these species are well established in North America, especially in Alaska, where individuals thrive in semi-open terrain and in mountainous regions. the adventurer David Bittner, a bear biologist, travels as much as possible to Alaska so he can observe these captivating beasts and can document his experiences in photos and videos. For the world day to save the bearshe shared a small sample of these breathtaking photos, among which you can observe grizzly bears and coastal bears in all their glory.

If you too love these big living stuffed animals and couldn’t support them on their dedicated day, a day especially for polar bears is also held on February 27.

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