Unpicked dog droppings would be dangerous for our health

Unpicked dog droppings would be dangerous for our health

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    In France, owners who do not pick up their dog’s droppings risk a fine. This does not prevent some from leaving their pooch’s droppings on sidewalks or in parks. A behavior that could harm everyone’s health, according to an Australian researcher.

    If the owners are asked to pick up the droppings of their dog, it is above all for a question of public hygiene. No one wants to walk in feces while strolling around town or in a park. But according to Melissa Starling, an Australian researcher, dog droppings in the city are also a public health problem.

    Microorganisms responsible for diseases and infections

    According to her, these excrements could cause serious health problems. Indeed, they can contain micro-organisms such as salmonella, E. coli and giardia (responsible for giardiasis). These bacteria and parasites are transmissible to humans and can cause serious infections, illnesses and allergic reactions.

    But that’s not all. Dog droppings are potential reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which means they can cause difficult-to-treat bacterial infections if you come into contact with them.

    A source of water pollution

    The researcher also points out that a recent study by scientists based in Sidney revealed that dog droppings that remain on sidewalks or in gardens can be the source of water contamination. Indeed, bacteria present in excrement can end up in rivers and streams via rain runoff. That same study, conducted in Sidney Bay, reports that markers of dog and bird feces were detected in 22% and 90% of storm drain and seawater samples.

    In France, the fine for canine dejection is set at 35 euros on average but the municipalities are free to set the amount they wish by municipal decree. Thus, the fine amounts to 50 euros in Lille, 65 euros in Valenciennes, 68 euros in Arras, 335 euros in Etaples… To impose the fine, the sworn agents must catch the culprits in flagrante delicto. They can also punish a posteriori based on CCTV.
