Unknown woman in Kungsängen buried

Unknown woman in Kungsangen buried

No name adorns her grave – just a black plaque

Last updated: Very recently

She was found murdered in a ditch at an exit along the E18.

Now five people stand and watch as her coffin is lowered into the ground.

None of these five even know her name.

Almost a year after she was dumped among drunken beer cans and old cigarette packs by the side of the road, the unknown woman is now being buried.

Six men in black suits roll the catafalque with the white coffin across the gravel path.

The sun is shining at Kungsängen’s cemetery.

When the men reach the almost two meter deep pit, they stop, attach three lifting straps around the coffin, and lower the dead man.

She has no headstone, but only a black plaque marking her resting place.

Unknown woman, it says.

Six men in black suits carry the woman’s coffin towards the grave. Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL

The church bells begin to ring, and at the same time as the woman is buried, another funeral begins, inside the whitewashed church.

Inside the church are friends and relatives of the deceased, afterwards they will gather for funeral coffee in the parish hall.

Where the unknown woman is buried, there are only five people gathered: an undertaker, two policemen, a journalist and a photographer.

No one who ever met her in life.

No one who knows what made her laugh, no one who knows her childhood wounds and no one who knows the name of her first love.

“We work for you”, says the card

Because despite the fact that 353 days have passed since she was found murdered in a ditch at an exit along the E18, not even two kilometers from the cemetery, her identity is still unknown.

Only a nameless black plaque adorns the grave. Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL
Detective Inspector Kickis Åhré Älgamo. Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL

Detective Inspector Kickis Åhré Älgamo, who has been trying to find out who the woman was and who murdered her for as long, approaches the grave and places a flower decoration consisting of red, pink and purple flowers.

“We work for you!” she has written on the card.

Three red roses and a flower arrangement financed by the state.

This is also how a farewell to a life can look like.

So what can we say about the woman?

Because despite the fact that her name is still a mystery, the police have managed to find out several pieces of the puzzle about who she was.

The woman was born in Central America and has lived at least her first years there.

She was not a vegetarian, but ate meat and fish.


Murdered woman still unidentified

  • The woman was found murdered on June 20, 2022 at an exit along the E18 in Kungsängen.
  • The woman was approximately 156 centimeters tall and weighed approximately 70 kilograms.
  • She had black, with a touch of gray, wavy medium length hair and was about 55 years old when she was murdered.
  • The woman was wearing a junior size lime colored tunic with black embroidery details when she was found.
  • The woman was born in Central America and in any case lived her first years of life there.
  • The woman has lived at least the last 1.5 years of her life in northern Europe – so at least since the corona pandemic.
  • For those who have information to provide, such as who the woman was, there is a legal possibility to apply for a temporary residence permit.
  • Do you have any information about the woman?
  • Call the police on 010-56 336 33 during the day and otherwise on 114 14
  • or email: [email protected]
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    The police image of what the dead woman probably looked like when she was alive. Photo: THE POLICE


    Mujer asesinada todavía sin ser identificada

  • His dead body was found on June 20, 2022 at the exit of the E18 highway in the locality of Kungsängen.
  • The woman averaged 156 centimeters tall and weighed approximately 70 kilograms.
  • He had medium-long wavy black hair with gray highlights. His approximate age was 55 years when he was killed.
  • His body was found vested with a tunic of lime green color, small in size, with details embroidered in black.
  • The woman was born in Central America where she spent the first years of her life.
  • The last year and the middle of his life he lived somewhere in the north of Europe, at least since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • A las personas que dispongan de información sobre ella, como por ejemplo su identidad, se podría conceder legally un permiso de residence temporale.
  • Do you have any information about this woman?
  • De ser así, comuníquese con la policía llamando al 010-56 336 33 durante las horas abiertas al public or sino al 114 14
  • También puede enviar un correo electrónico a: [email protected]
  • Read more

    She lived to be about 55 years old – had black, wavy, medium length hair with a hint of gray and was about 156 centimeters tall.

    Through a hair analysis, the police have now also managed to find out that the woman lived at least the last 1.5 years of her life in northern Europe – so at least since January 2021, approximately in connection with the outbreak of the corona pandemic, she has been in northern Europe.

    – She may have been around even longer too, we don’t know. We also cannot say exactly where in northern Europe she has been during all this time, it could be Sweden – it could be Germany, Poland, the Nordics or the Baltics, says criminal inspector Kickis Åhré Älgamo.

    Can apply for a residence permit

    One of the police’s hypotheses is that the woman has lived in the parallel society.

    – And then there must be people in the parallel society who have knowledge of her, who miss her and who know who she is, says Kickis Åhré Älgamo.

    Due to this, there is a legal possibility to apply for a temporary residence permit, to people who have information or tips to provide about the woman or about the murder.

    – It applies for six months at a time and is something that the prosecutor can apply to the Migration Agency with reference to the fact that it is needed for the preliminary investigation.

    Do you have any other hypotheses about why the woman was in Sweden?

    – She could just as well have been here as a tourist, came here when she was little as an adopted child or lived here and had a family – since we cannot search the Swedish passport systems for her fingerprints, we cannot rule it out, says Kickis Åhré Moose.

    The forensic dentist states that tooth 46 is missing and has been replaced with a temporary partial prosthesis with buccal clamps against tooth 45 and tooth 47. Photo: THE POLICE

    The answer about dentures

    Aftonbladet has previously told about the police’s struggle to identify the woman – who has not been reported missing in Sweden and who is also not in the police’s national or international systems. Among other things, the police tried to trace the woman through a temporary denture. Now they have received answers about the dentures.

    – It is not made by a dentist trained in Sweden.

    There is no priest who says anything at the woman’s grave.

    No prayers are offered.

    It is not known to which denomination she belonged.

    And you never know when – or if – those who once knew and loved the woman will mourn at her gravesite.

    A lonely rose for the unknown woman. Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL
