Unknown man found on beach – police release phantom image

A lifeless man was found on a beach in Kämpinge, northwest of Trelleborg, in April.
The person has not yet been identified and now the police are releasing a phantom image in the hope of solving the mystery.

It was on April 21 that a seriously ill man was found on a beach in Kämpinge. The man was not carrying any identification documents and was immediately taken to hospital. A few days later, the man died in hospital. No one has reported the person missing and the police have not yet managed to identify him.

The place where the man was found.

The place where the man was found.

“Got sick on the beach”

– We think it is a man who is a native of the area, perhaps in Höllviken, and assume that he has fallen ill on the beach. There is information that he was previously seen with a dog in the area, but we are unsure about that, says Maria Molin, municipal police in Vellinge, to Sydsvenskan.

Two weeks later, the man has still not been identified. The police describe the man as 185 centimeters tall, thin-haired with dark brown hair color, weighs around 100 kilos and is estimated to be between 50-60 years old.

The police do not suspect any crime, but in the hope of getting closer to a solution, the police are now releasing a phantom image. The police urge the public to call 114 14 if they have tips about who he might be.
