Unjustly forgotten war film with 2 mega stars is reminiscent of one of the best films of all time

Unjustly forgotten war film with 2 mega stars is reminiscent

Allied is the 18th feature film for director Robert Zemeckis. But at the same time he is the first to deal with an espionage and war theme. The actor Brad Pitt, on the other hand, already has experience with the topic through films such as Heart of Steel, Inglourious Basterds and Seven Years in Tibet.

This creates a good foundation for the drama. If you are a big fan of films like Casablanca and Journey from the Past, So you definitely shouldn’t miss Allied on Netlix.

Allied on Netflix: 2 spies fall in love during World War II

The story of Allied revolves around the relationship between Max Vatan (Brad Pitt) and Marianne Beauséjour (Marion Cotillard). Vatan is a Canadian intelligence officer, while Beauséjour is a French Resistance fighter. The two of them receive the order to kill the German ambassador in Morocco. The film is partly set in the Moroccan city of Casablanca.

Paramount Pictures Germany

Allied – Familiar strangers

After their mission, the two decide to live a life together. Beauséjour gives birth to his daughter Anna during a bombing raid. But it turns out that Vatan’s wife could be a double agent who makes him an accomplice of the Germans. The spy therefore decides to find out who his wife really is.

Now on Netflix: The tragic war film Allied is reminiscent of the masterpiece Casablanca

The war film is reminiscent of Casablanca. It’s not for nothing that the classic is one of the films that you should definitely see in the cinema. The Second World War is also underway here and the action partly takes place in Casablanca. No wonder then that the source of inspiration is clearly visible.

  • Allied – Familiar Strangers is also available on Blu-ray and DVD if you don’t have a Netflix subscription*
  • There are also some parallels between Casablanca and Allied. Zemeckis creates images several times that are reminiscent of Michael Curtiz’s masterpiece. At the finale at the latest he bows to the grandmaster. Anyone interested in the similarities between the two war dramas You should definitely watch Allied on Netflix.

    *. If you purchase through this link, we will receive a commission.
