United States, Kansas remains an “island” of the right to abortion

United States Kansas remains an island of the right to

Women weep with joy on the front pages of the websites of the washington post and New York Times. A referendum which was a test at the national level, before other ballots of the same type this year, was held on Tuesday to restrict or not the right to abortion, authorized today up to 22 weeks of pregnancy in Kansas. .

In a test referendum in this central US state, voters overwhelmingly voted to preserve the right to abortion, just over a month after the Supreme Court overturned the ” Roe vs. Wade” which guaranteed this right at the federal level. Against all expectations, Kansas, which had voted largely in favor of Donald Trump in the last presidential elections, voted last night by 59% to preserve the right to abortion.

This state in the center of the country will therefore remain a “ island of abortion rights in the middle of a sea of ​​states [voisins] where it is forbidden “, Write the New York Times. ” What is striking », underlines the American daily, is that in all the counties of Kansas, the vote for the right to abortion exceeded the results obtained by Joe Biden during the presidential election. While the anti-abortion vote was everywhere lower than Donald Trump’s scores.

► To read also: United States: Kansas maintains its constitutional guarantee on the right to abortion

Primaries in five states: Trump comes out stronger

Primaries were held at the same time on Tuesday in Kansas, Arizona, Washington, Michigan and Missouri, in view of the midterm elections scheduled for November. These included, in particular, measure the influence of Donald Trump “recalls the Los Angeles Times. Precisely, several of the candidates supported by the former president won this night, title the washington post.

Politicians who backed Donald Trump’s theory that the election was stolen from him. One of them will be the Republican candidate for Secretary of State in Arizona, and if he wins, he will play a crucial role in organizing the election. For the Senate race, another candidate supported by Donald Trump also won the Republican primary in Arizona. While in Michigan, a Republican candidate opposed to Donald Trump, on the other hand, lost the primary in which he participated.

Taiwan: Nancy Pelosi is “not responsible” for tensions with China

The leader of the American deputies appears on the front page of all the newspapers in the United States. In a pink suit when he left the plane in Taiwan on Tuesday evening. ” Pelosi says visit to Taiwan is a way to honor democracy », title the Los Angeles Times. ” China considers Pelosi to be playing with fire “, writes on its front page the newspaper USA Todayas Beijing began a show of military force around the island it claims.

Several newspapers, including the New York Times, recall Nancy Pelosi’s longstanding opposition to communist rule. In 1991, the one who was already a Democratic MP unfurled a banner in Tiananmen Square, where it was written “for those who died for democracy in China”. This had not failed to cause a diplomatic incident, recalls the New York daily.

But this time, judge an editorialist of the Los Angeles Timess, Nancy Pelosi is not responsible for the tensions around Taiwan. If China is showing feverishness today, it is according to him because a few years ago, Beijing thought that the island was slowly moving towards reunification, under pressure from China. But the victory of the separatists in the 2016 and 2020 elections in Taiwan takes away this dream of China, while the regime wants to avoid showing any sign of weakness, analyzes this editorialist.

► To read also: Visiting Taiwan, Nancy Pelosi plays appeasement, China shows its muscles

In Haiti, the political transition has stalled

Since the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, Prime Minister Ariel Henry has led the country. Haiti is still mired in a political stalemate, in addition to total insecurity imposed by gangs. Ariel Henry defends the idea of ​​an executive power with a single leader, to get the country out of crisis. But for civil society, organized around the Montana agreement, this idea has shown its limits for a year, reports the newspaper The National. The supporters of this agreement want a two-headed executive power (and a strengthening of parliament), to ensure the political transition with a view to organizing elections.

Jacques Ted St Dic, member of the Montana agreement follow-up office, assures at the Nouvellistethat “ the state constitutes a barrier to the resolution of the political crisis. The State is an obstacle to the renewal of the political system, a necessary condition for carrying out elections, the creation of wealth “. ” The power has clearly expressed its refusal to dialogue “, regretted Ernest Mathurin, another member of the monitoring office of the Montana agreement, still in the news writer. The supporters of the Montana agreement therefore left the negotiating table. They intend to organize a national mobilization.
