United States: Hezbollah likely responsible for Golan rocket attack | News in brief

The United States believes that the Lebanese Hezbollah organization is behind the devastating rocket attack on the Golan Heights.

US Secretary of State by Antony Blinken all evidence points to Lebanon’s Hezbollah being behind Saturday’s rocket attack that killed 12 people in the Golan Heights.

The rocket attack hit near a football field in the town of Majdal Shams, where many Druze people live. Most of the dead are young people or children.

Hezbollah has denied being behind the attack.

US Blinken said the country supports Israel’s right to defend itself, but called on countries to maintain calm and avoid escalating the situation.

– We want to bring the war in Gaza to an end. It has gone on too long. It has cost too many lives, Blinken continued.

According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, which operates under the Hamas terrorist organization, the war in Gaza has cost the lives of just over 39,300 people so far.

During the night, Israel carried out several counterattacks on Lebanese territory due to the rocket attack, but vowed to continue retaliating.

Source: AFP
