United Nations Convenes for Ukraine

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

The 193-member United Nations (UN) General Assembly convened extraordinarily today, following the decision taken in the Security Council the previous day.

Immediate cessation of Russia’s military attack against Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, which the United States and Albania previously submitted to the Security Council at the UN General Assembly, but which was not accepted by Russia’s veto, and Russia’s condemnation for non-compliance with UN terms are being discussed.

The UN General Assembly meeting, which started in the morning, is expected to last until the evening hours. It is stated that voting in the UN General Assembly may be postponed until Wednesday.

President of the UN 76th Term General Assembly, Abdulla Shahid, stated that the military operation launched by Russia five days ago is a violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, and that countries do not comply with the UN Charter, which states that countries should resolve their disputes through peaceful means without the use of threats or force. military offensive is inconsistent with principles. Military action is a clear insult to the founders of the UN and everything it stands for. The violence must stop. International law must be respected, diplomacy and dialogue must be returned,” he said.

Shahid stated that negotiators from both sides held talks in Belarus at the time the General Assembly convened here, adding, “This offers a glimmer of hope. We pray that these talks will reduce tensions and pave the way for peace.”

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that the war in Ukraine must stop immediately. Guterres stated that although the Russian attacks were mostly aimed at Ukrainian soldiers, residences, critical civilian infrastructure and other non-military targets were severely damaged, and civilians, including children, were killed.

Secretary-General Guterres said, “Enough is enough. Soldiers need to return to their barracks. Civilians must be protected. International and human rights law must be protected. We are facing a major regional crisis with disastrous consequences for everyone. Yesterday the Russian nuclear troops were put on alert. This is a chilling development. “Nothing can justify the use of nuclear weapons,” he said.

The UN Security Council also convened extraordinarily at 15.00 local time with the agenda of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
