United Europe massively sanctions Russia

United Europe massively sanctions Russia

Europe united to oppose a front of sanctions to Russia, after the invasion of Ukraine. For the first time, 450 million euros are released collectively to deliver weapons and combat aircraft to Kiev. European airspace is now closed to all Russian aircraft. Not to mention the virtual closure of international financial networks.

Refugees at the Polish border

On the ground, it is estimated that nearly 500,000 Ukrainians have already tried to flee the fighting. To take refuge in neighboring countries. Less than half chose to go to Poland. The exodus is complicated, most families, especially women with young children, have to walk more than 30 kilometers to reach the border. There, many Polish or Ukrainian volunteers from the diaspora await them. They just came to help. This is the report on the border of Sarah Bakaloglou.

Unequal armed forces

And in this context, while the Russian president is brandishing the nuclear threat, by putting the deterrent forces of the Russian army, I quote “on special alert”. How to analyze this very unequal balance of power between the forces engaged on the ground by Moscow and Kiev. Listen Dimitri Minic, doctor in History of International Relations and researcher at the Russia/New Independent States CenterIfri. He is at the microphone of Juliette Rengeval.

historical revisionism

And taking a step back, we can see that the Russian president justifies this invasion of Ukraine by a very distorted reading of history, he talks about denazifying the country. It is also in the name of this historical revisionism that the Supreme Court of Russia decided at the end of last year (2021) to dissolve Memorial, the oldest Russian non-governmental organization. She became famous for all her work on the abuses committed during the Soviet period. Memorial, through its work on human rights violations in Russia, also helped all Russian or Chechen opponents who had gone to seek asylum in Europe. This weekend, demonstrators came to support the organization again, which appealed against its dissolution. It happened in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin, and it is the report of JUlien Mechaussie.

The European eye of Franceline Beretti: the European Court of Human Rights

And the question of human rights is already being asked, in the midst of the conflict. The Ukrainian president has seized the International Court of Justice, the human rights council wants an investigation into the violation of human rights. As for the Council of Europe, it finally decided to suspend Moscow from its authorities. The opportunity to take stock of the European Court of Human Rights, set up in the 1950s just after the Second World War, and which protects citizens against the abuses of the 47, now 46 signatory States. It is the European eye of Franceline Beretti, this week.
