United Arab Emirates and Israel sign first free trade agreement

United Arab Emirates and Israel sign first free trade agreement

Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed a free trade agreement on Tuesday, May 31. The first of its kind between the Jewish state and an Arab country. Two years ago, the two countries normalized their diplomatic relations.

With our correspondent in Dubai, Nicolas Keraudren

For the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Israel, the signing of this agreement is a ” unprecedented success “. The free trade agreement signed between the Gulf monarchy and the Jewish state abolishes customs barriers for ” 96% of products exchanged between the two parties.

This decision should therefore boost trade between the two countries. According to the chairman of the Emirati-Israeli Business Council, trade could indeed exceed the 2 billion dollar mark in 2022. And even reach that of 5 billion dollars in five years.

A relationship that has already experienced some upheavals

This agreement therefore represents a new stage in the official relations that unite the United Arab Emirates and Israel. The two countries had indeed normalized their diplomatic relations in September 2020 under the aegis of the United States.

A relationship that has already experienced some upheavals. On Monday, the UAE Foreign Ministry in a statement said “fstrongly condemns the assault on al-Aqsa Mosque by extremist settlers under the protection of Israeli forces “. The day before, ” march of the flags in the Old City of Jerusalem took place against a backdrop of tensions between security forces, Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators.

Read: Israel and the Emirates sign an agreement for the Beresheet 2 space mission
