Unique sci-fi series renewed for season 4

Unique sci fi series renewed for season 4

Netflix breaks fan hearts with its frequent series cancellations. But the sci-fi community can now breathe a sigh of relief with at least one. The streamer has the quirky series Love, Death & Robots now renewed for a fourth season.

Sci-fi anthology Love, Death and Robots is a Netflix favorite

This is reported by the Hollywood Reporter, among others. The series, created by David Fincher (Fight Club) and Tim Miller (Deadpool), alternates animation style between episodes and tells a new sci-fi short story in each episode.

So far, the whimsical format has been well received by Netflix subscribers as well as at important awards ceremonies. The first three seasons have so far won a total of 11 Emmys. Especially seasons 1 and 2 were celebrated by many critics. The continued popularity saves the series from the Netflix scissors. Unfortunately, it was different for many other sci-fi series.

When is season 4 of the sci-fi series coming to Netflix?

When exactly the fourth season of Love, Death & Robots will come to Netflix is ​​not yet certain. Based on the dates of the last two seasons, we expect the release to be around mid-2023.

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Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in August on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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We have checked the long starting lists of the streaming services and present you the 20 big highlights of the month in the Moviepilot podcast stream trawl. Also included are the fiery Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon, the Netflix fantasy epic Sandman and the offbeat MCU lawyer comedy She-Hulk.

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Are you looking forward to Love, Death & Robots Season 4?
