Unique object for sale – old water tower for sale in Skelleftehamn

Maybe the next dream house, restaurant or hotel? There are many possibilities for the tower.

The water tower is owned by Skellefteå municipality and was taken out of use in the 1970s. It has been up for sale once before, in 2017, but this time Stefan Lönnefjord believes there are better chances to find the right buyer.

– This requires a bit of a visionary, it requires risk capital. I think that’s the difference from 2017. It’s a different condition today in view of the establishment of Northvolt, he says.

The broker: “No easy challenge”

The price is not announced, but the interested parties need to submit a written business plan that extends at least three years into the future.

– It is not an easy challenge, but at the same time a fun challenge, says Stefan Lönnefjord.

In the clip, the estate agent gives a tour of the water tower.
