Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti: at the Via Roadshow National for collaborative logistics

Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti at the Via Roadshow National for collaborative

(Finance) – At the start today, from the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Un Roadshow that will touch the main Italian cities and compare companies and operators in the sector towards an approach to activities marked on collaborative logistics: a mix of coordination and cooperation between the actors involved, preserving the competitiveness of each but building a more sustainable, resilient and competitive business model in the global market, capable of developing benefits for over 10 billion euros at full speed at national level.

The initiative – explains the note – has the patronage of Unioncamere and the technical support of Uniontrasporti, the in -house company of the chamber system that supports the development and strategicity of infrastructure, logistics and transport, and of the Transport Compliance Rating Observatory, which has put a point the first international evaluation model for transport and logistics. In Rome there are some dozens of companies and associations at the table, which thus start a virtuous path which, under the auspices of the Italian chamber system, will touch
In the coming months the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of various Italian cities including Florence, Bologna, Milan, Naples and Bari.

“The watchword of collaborative logistics is cooperation: a mix of cooperation and competition – he commented Antonello Fontanili, Duniontrasporti irettore – easy to say, less to materialize without a dialogue and a transparent comparison between the companies that
The Italian chamber system, with this initiative, intends to promote. The goal is to break down the diffidence and fears and lead the sector to a growing efficiency and flexibility with a reduction in operating costs, greater general competitiveness and a consequent increase in revenues, but also with significant social and environmental benefits. “
