Unindustria, Transport and Logistics Section: Sabrina De Filippis new President

Unindustria Transport and Logistics Section Sabrina De Filippis new President

(Finance) – Sabrina De Filippis, CEO of Mercitalia Logisticsleader of the Logistics Hub of the FS Group, was elected today in Rome to lead the Transport and Logistics Section of Unindustria the Union of Industrialists and Businesses Rome, Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Viterbo.

He gives news of it FS News.it, information portal of the Group, underlining that the appointment was made official today February 22, at the association’s headquarters in Rome where the elective Assembly of the Transport and Logistics Section of Unindustria renewed its bodies by electing President, Board of Directors and Vice President for the next four years.

“It is an honor for me to be appointed President of the Transport Section of Unindustria Lazio – he has declared Sabrina De Filippis, CEO of Mercitalia Logistics, leading company of the Logistics Hub of the FS Group – Transport represents a strategic driver for the competitiveness of the business system and an enabling factor for developing the territory’s ability to respond to the needs of companies. For this reason it is essential to create the conditions so that the business system in the sector can express its potential. As Unindustria we must accompany this evolution, strengthening our role as an authoritative entity and primary interlocutor in the planning and development of services in the region. As a Lazio native, it will be an additional incentive to help systematize the supply with the demand for transport at a territorial level, with particular regard to industrial areas. Our goal will be to increasingly encourage the construction of common requests for the relaunch of the sector, to be brought to the attention of local and national institutions”.

The Transport and Logistics Section of Unindustria associates 79 companies in the freight and passenger transport and logistics sectors, for a total of over 7,300 employees.

In particular, they are represented the entire passenger transport sector (commercial and public transport) in the council, logistics, freight and passenger transport and fleet management. In 2022 the total value of logistics activities in Italy exceeded 100 billion euros (116.4 billion) and according to forecasts the sector will record a strong growth in turnover also in the two-year period 2023-2024. Opportunities to be seized for a country like ours which in the European context in recent years, despite maintaining its position, is still behind its main competitors.
