Uniform at school: for or against, soon compulsory in France?

Uniform at school for or against soon compulsory in France

The debate on the uniform at school is revived by the National Rally which presents a bill, but also by Brigitte Macron who says she is in favor of the obligation of a single outfit among French schoolchildren.

Imposing the uniform at school to all students is once again at the heart of the debate. The subject was revived on the one hand by Brigitte Macron who gave his opinion in an interview with Parisian. At the question “What is your belief on the school uniform?”, the first lady said she was in favor of wearing a school uniform, on the condition that the outfit be simple and not “sad”. In the past, the President’s wife herself wore the uniform “fifteen years of navy blue skirt, navy blue sweater. And I lived it well. It erases the differences, we save time – it’s time-consuming to choose how to dress in the morning – and money – by in relation to brands”. For her, the experience was positive. On the side of the political sphere, the debate is also on the agenda.

A bill on the wearing of school uniforms

This Thursday, January 12, the Rassemblement National presents to the National Assembly a Law proposition “aiming to institute in public schools and colleges the wearing of uniforms in the colors of the school establishment“, worn by the RN deputy for Romorantin, Roger Chudeau. The deputies of the Renaissance group, of the majority, are also looking into the question. Last November, a working group of several Renaissance elected officials formed to work on a bill aimed at establishing in turn the “wearing a common school uniform”. Local experiments in volunteer schools have also been imagined in the system.

Could the school uniform become compulsory?

However, these legislative proposals are not unanimous and even go against the opinion of the Minister of National Education. Pap Ndiaye spoke on December 9, 2022 on France Info and said to himself “opposed to a law that would tackle or impose outfits for all students.” More recently, on the BFMTV set, the minister once again expressed his disagreement.

Are you for or against wearing a school uniform?

What are the benefits of wearing a school uniform?

Some see it as an opportunity not to stigmatize a child according to his social rank. Indeed, the playground is sometimes a source of comparison, between students who wear brands and those who dress more simply. Schools that have adopted the wearing of a school uniform claim certain advantages, such as creating unity within a group, allowing pupils to get used to a certain discipline (such as case in some companies).

What are the disadvantages of the school uniform?

Among the people who are against imposing a uniform at school, many people feel that identical dress between students could restrict their freedom to express their personalities. Especially since in adolescence, young people like to stand out with their own style. In addition, the practical side: wearing a uniform at school requires being particularly organized and buying several identical outfits.

In which countries is uniform compulsory for students?

Today, in several countries and regions of the world, students go to school wearing uniforms. In overseas France, this is very widespread. In Martinique, a third of the 218 public establishments on the island impose a common outfit on students in order to erase the inequalities between them. Beyond, England is the land of the school uniform. It’s even a tradition: 98% of public secondary schools require school uniforms to be worn. A bit higher, Ireland also requires it in most primary schools. Europe-wide, in Germany, the uniform has reappeared in recent years in some schools. In the world, at Canada and to UNITED STATESprivate and religious schools in particular have also fixed the school uniform for all schoolchildren.
