Unieuro, Board of Directors votes by majority not to tender treasury shares to the tender offer

Unieuro Fnac Darty and RUBY unique opportunity offer 42 premium

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Unieuro decided by majority of do not tender to the public purchase and exchange offer promoted by Fnac Darty SA and Ruby Equity Investment the 70,004 treasury shares held by the company as of today, equal to 0.34% of the capital.

The majority decision, with i votes against of the President Stefano Meloni and councillors Benedetto Levi, Giuseppe Nisticò and Alessandra Stabilinifalls in line with reservations expressed in the Issuer’s press release dated 29 August 2024, regarding the adequacy of the consideration of the Offer to adequately remunerate the Issuer’s shareholders, as this consideration does not express the expected value of the shares arising, among other things, from the prospective execution of the Strategic Plan and the completion of the integration of the Covercare Group.

The decision is further comforted and motivated by the preliminary results of the semester ended August 31, 2024, which are higher than the Company’s expectations, and by the increased earnings outlook for the current financial year.

(Photo: © Sergiomonti | Dreamstime.com)
