UniCredit launches PNRR Solutions to finance SME investments

NIAS 15 million green loan from Unicredit

(Finance) – UniCredit launches PNRR Solutionsa range of financial and consulting solutions to support the participation of Italian Small and Medium Enterprises in the calls for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)also with additional liquidity necessary to cope with the increases related to the costs of raw materials and facilitate the execution of the Plan.

With UniCredit’s PNRR Solutions, SMEs that access European funds as part of the projects of the Plan will be able to access solutions such as: medium-long term loansat competitive rates, aimed at integrating government contributions for the realization of investments linked to the PNRR, in a context such as the present one characterized by an unprecedented cycle of increases in energy and raw material costs; advance contracts / PNRR invoices for the disinvestment of receivables for contracts and invoices related to the works connected to initiatives / investments of the PNRR; instrumental leasing for the acquisition, with related tax benefits envisaged by the PNRR, of machinery, equipment and plants functional to the industrial, craft, commercial and service sectors; bank guarantees necessary for participation in PNRR tenders or to receive in advance the share of the grant on the planned works.

“Our investigation – he says Remo Taricani, Deputy Head of UniCredit Italia – highlights how banks are perceived as a point of reference for companies in the PNRR field and confirms the high expectations in terms of support and advice. With PNRR Solutions we want to provide, in particular to SMEs engaged in tenders, a range of concrete solutions both on a financial and consulting level, supporting them in accessing European funds and in the implementation of their innovative and sustainable investment projects “.
