UniCredit confirms its role as Main Partner of Pitti Immagine

UniCredit confirms its role as Main Partner of Pitti Immagine

(Finance) – UniCredit is confirmed Main partner Of Pitti Immagine. In fact, the collaboration agreement for the three-year period 2023-2025 between the bank and the leading company in the promotion of the Italian fashion industry and design has been renewed.

“The renewal of this partnership – he declares Annalisa Arenas, Head of Client Strategies UniCredit – confirms our commitment to supporting the fashion sector and, more generally, the national production fabric. We are enthusiastic about continuing our collaboration with Pitti, helping to keep the spotlight on one of the leading sectors of Made in Italy, for which we intend to continue to position ourselves as an active interlocutor on the subject of innovation, sustainability and internationalisation. Topics on which we can make a difference by drawing on the professionalism and know-how of our network, with the aim of concretely supporting Italian companies in the relevant ecological and digital transition paths. This, for us, means making our work tangible, actively pursuing our key objective: providing communities with the levers for progress”.

The renewal of sponsorship of UniCredit for Pitti Immagine, in line with the UniCredit plan for Italy with which the Bank intends to contribute to the growth and sustainable development of the country system, still sees the Banking Group in the role of active main partner, at the forefront to offer its expertise and its support to one of the key sectors of the Italian economy. The synergy between UniCredit and Pitti Immagine also includes a collaborative path to accompany companies in the sector in the challenges of sustainability and internationalisation; and to enrich the training courses launched by Pitti with fashion schools, enhancing the growth path of young talents.

The first appointment of the new synergy between UniCredit and Pitti Immagine is on the occasion of Pitti Uomo 105, scheduled from 9 to 12 January in Fortezza da Basso, in Florence. As part of the collaboration with Pitti, during the four days of the show, theUniCredit Theatre set up in Fortezza da Basso, it will host various moments of meeting and conversation on fashion, innovation, economy, sustainability and lifestyle.
