Unemployed not looking for work: a record-breaking Italy

Unemployed not looking for work a record breaking Italy

(Finance) – Italy in 2021 saw a rate of 11.8% of people willing to work but not in research, compared to 4.1% in the Eurozone, 3.7% for the entire EU and the highest levels among 34 European countries considered by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The figure emerges by consulting the Eurostat update on the demand dissatisfied with employment in 2021 14% in the EU (14.9% in 2020).

Here Italy is in second place in the EU, with a share of 22.8% of unsatisfied demand for employment, behind Spain (24.1%) and closely followed by Greece.

Unsatisfied demand for employment in the EU is about 31.2 million people between 15 and 74 years old. It includes unemployed, part-time underemployed (part-time who would like to work more) and people willing to work who are not looking. The overall figure had increased in 2020 with covid mainly due to the increase in the number of people available to work not looking for work, a figure that could be explained by the length and repetition of closures, as well as other health measures.

In terms of the individual components, in 2021 unemployment was 7.3% in the eurozone, 6.7% in the EU, 8.5% in Italy, 14.1% in Spain and, to mention just a large country historically not far away. from full employment to 3.5% in Germany. Compared to those available to work but not to research, as mentioned, our country is largely in the lead with 11%, the eurozone figure at 4.1%, the EU at 3.7%, Spain at 4.1% and Germany at 2.2%.

The figure of those who have part-time contracts but would like a full-time job shows Italy at 3%, Eurozone at 3.3%, EU at 2.8%, Spain at 5.1% and Germany at 1.4%. Finally, those who would like to work but are not immediately available are 0.3% in Italy, 0.9% among the euro countries, and 0.8% in the EU, Germany and Spain.
