Underground power station in Lagan is being investigated

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Since last spring, the power company has carried out drilling in the Knäred tract to investigate the ground conditions. This was Laholm’s newspaper first with reporting.

The main purpose is to strengthen dam safety. But the project also investigates how electricity production can be expanded.

– One of the alternatives is to build a completely new power station which will then replace the three existing power stations Bassalt, Knäred Övre and Knäred Nedre. The idea is then that it should be built near the Bassalt station, says project manager Monica Engman to the newspaper.

Decision in early 2023

The station is supposed to be placed 8 to 10 meters underground and should be able to produce a higher output compared to the existing three plants. According to Statkraft, this would mean an increase in electricity production of between 20 and 25 percent compared to today.

Decisions can be made shortly after the turn of the year. If it is not an underground power plant, renovation of the existing three plants is just as much on the agenda.

Construction can begin in the second half of the 2020s.
