Underestimated Tarantino cracker, which he himself considers his worst film and is wrong

Underestimated Tarantino cracker which he himself considers his worst film

Quentin Tarantino wants to end his career as a cinema director after 10 films. As a reason, he states that he does not want to damage his filmography with less good works in old age.

If Tarantino had to pick a film from his career as his weakest, the cult director would pick Death Proof. Many of his fans also consider the action thriller his worst film. The Grindhouse tribute, newly available on Amazon Prime subscription, deserves a lot more love.

Death Proof shines as a typical Tarantino with a shocking twist

At the beginning of Death Proof, in true Tarantino fashion, the director introduces a group of female friends to watch as they hang out and talk. In addition, there is the retro style with image scratches and film jumps as well as a well-chosen soundtrack, with which the film is one exudes an irresistible old-school atmosphere. When you watch it almost feels like you are part of the charismatic clique yourself.

Check out Yves’ video ranking of all Tarantino films here:

From garbage to masterpiece: we rank all Quentin Tarantino films

Tarantino also has a brutal ace up his sleeve in Kurt Russell’s character of the cool, psychopathic stuntman Mike. He takes care of that after about half of the film one of the hardest Tarantino twistsreminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s milestone thriller Psycho.

The Death Proof finale unleashes one of the best Tarantino action scenes ever

What happens next should not be spoiled at this point. But the highlight of Death Proof is the finale, for which Tarantino stages a spectacular chase that ranks among the best action scenes of his entire career.

Quentin Tarantino had to pick a movie as his worst. Instead of Death Proof, however, he should have named Django Unchained, which is riddled with clear problems.

Just by the twist in the middle and one of the best Tarantino action sequences with feminist clout Death Proof didn’t deserve the title of worst Tarantino film.

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