Underestimated DC blockbuster, controversial erotic finale and 26 other films & series

Underestimated DC blockbuster controversial erotic finale and 26 other films

As usual, we present you all new films and series on Netflix for the weekend. Anyone after 365 Days and 365 Days – This day just can’t get enough of flat figures, glossy montages in music video style and soft porn eroticism can now stream the grand finale 365 Days – Another Day.

DC fans can enjoy the fun blockbuster Shazam! stream new subscription while split from M. Night Shyamalan as a wacky thriller James McAvoy with countless multiple personalities unleashed as a monster.

In terms of series, it might be worth taking a look at Kleo. In it, Fack ju Göhte star Jella Haase goes after the fall of the Wall as former top spy of the GDR on a vendetta.

Watch a trailer for Kleo here:

Kleo – S01 Trailer (German) HD

All new films on Netflix this weekAll new series on Netflix this weekThe best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Disney+ and Co.

In this edition of our podcast Streamgegefuehl we take a look back at the streaming films of the year so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outbid each other with elaborate productions. But which of the films are really successful? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming movies of 2022.

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The streaming year was very varied in the film sector. A red panda has thrown Toronto into chaos while a princess struggled from the top floor of a tower to the ground floor. We were also able to experience the first moon landing through children’s eyes and received an amusing Jackass encore.

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What are you streaming on Netflix this weekend?
