Under the Seine (Netflix): how to survive a shark attack?

Under the Seine Netflix how to survive a shark attack

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Medical validation:
    June 7, 2024

    Contrary to the message conveyed by the film “Under the Seine”, shark attacks remain extremely rare. However, in the presence of such a predator, how can we react effectively? Dr. Gérald Kierzek shares some simple principles with us.

    Broadcast on Netflix this Wednesday, June 5, the film “Sous la Seine” by Xavier Gens features sharks in the Parisian river. A form of “Sea teeth” French-style, which reveals numerous bloody underwater scenes. In real life, how do you survive such shark attacks? The response from Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo.

    What are the chances of being attacked by a shark?

    Contrary to the image conveyed by the Netflix series, where we see (very) aggressive sharks, hungry for fresh flesh, the shark is far from being the most dangerous animal for humans.

    In 2022, only nine shark attacks have been recorded worldwide, including three in New Caledonia.

    On Reunion Island, no fatal shark attacks have been reported since May 9, 2019, thanks to an effective system.

    However, “zero risk” does not exist – in areas full of fish which attract predators.

    While sharks do not devour humans for food, they may bite out of curiosity or to test what they perceive as possible prey. They then leave, preferring by far their usual prey (fish, seals, sea turtles, etc.).

    The problem ? Once the femoral artery is severed – one of the most common incidents – the rapid loss of blood can cause hemorrhagic shock, and if the hemorrhage is not controlled quickly, death can occur within minutes.

    In such a scenario, adopting good reflexes is essential. Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, recommends:

    1. Stay defensive.

    • Keep the shark in your line of sight. They can attack in different ways, so stay alert“.
    • Avoid sudden movements. Do not swim faster than the shark, but move calmly towards the bank or a boat“.
    • Get into a defensive position by leaning against a reef or solid object to reduce angles of attack“.

    2. Protect yourself in case of attack.

    • Use fists, blows or claws to protect your vital organs“.
    • If the attack persists, use any available object to defend yourself“.
    • Protect your head and neck and try to get out of the water quickly“.

    3. Prevention:

    • Avoid surfing alone, as sharks tend to attack isolated victims“.
    • Don’t surf far from assistance“.
    • Avoid wearing jewelry or bright colors, which may attract their curiosity“.

    Finally, keep in mind that sharks generally do not attack humans to feed on them, but out of curiosity“, concludes Dr. Kierzek.
