Under the hood – a new podcast about cars from Nyheter24

Under the hood a new podcast about cars from

Under the hood is a new podcast about everything related to cars and the car world, where listeners get to go behind the scenes in the car industry.

Behind the wheel we find motoring journalists Marcus Berggren and Gustaf Gripenlöf Karlberg from the web-based car magazine Highest Gear.

The podcast is part of Nyheter24’s new podcast venture, and a new episode will be released every Wednesday.

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A podcast about cars and the car world

In the podcast, you as a listener will get to follow along as Marcus and Gustaf travel the world to test drive the latest cars and visit the most spectacular car events.

You’ll also hear about the latest cars the guys have tested at home, the hottest car news, and the guys’ latest car-related observations.

As Marcus and Gustaf are car geeks of rank, there will also be plenty of fun car-related facts, musings and lists.

In addition, the podcast will be hosted by various profiles with a burning interest in cars.

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In the first episode of Under the Hood

In the first episode, Marcus and Gustaf talk about the cream of the car world: Monterey Car Week. Together they travel to California to attend launches at BMW and Mercedes, go to auctions, parties and test drive cars – old and new.

Plus, they share the clothing choices of wealthy Americans and what it’s like to attend the most talked-about automotive event on the international calendar.

Click here to listen on Spotify.

Click here to listen to Apple Podcasts.
