Uncertainty in Georgia, where the government promises to crack down on any attempt to block Parliament

Uncertainty in Georgia where the government promises to crack down

The demonstrators are maintaining pressure on the Georgian government, opposed for almost a month to the adoption of a bill on “foreign influence”, reminiscent of that of Russia on foreign agents. Demonstration Saturday evening, and this Sunday again. In the evening, the day’s gathering promised to be very important, as Parliament begins the third and final reading of the text this week.

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With our correspondent in Tbilisi, Régis Genté

Quite agitated, tense atmosphere this Sunday evening in Tbilisi, with determined demonstrators, we can sense it.

The intention of some is now to prevent parliamentarians from entering Parliament on Monday morning to adopt this law which they call “Russian law”, and which they denounce as being repressive. The goal of some was to arrive very late and be able to spend the whole night around the Georgian Parliament building.

At 10 p.m. (local time, 8 p.m. in Paris), police forces were not yet visible, even though the authorities promised to prevent the doors of Parliament from being blocked.

Opponents who try to block everything will be arrested, the Minister of the Interior warned this Sunday. “ Group blocking of an object of particular importance is punishable by up to four years in prison “, warns Vakhtang Gomelauri, adding that the law will be applied “ without any exception “.

There is gravity in the air in the Georgian capital. We don’t know how this matter could turn out.

Read alsoGeorgia: new gigantic demonstration against “Russian law” on the eve of a decisive week
