Uncertain green painting of nuclear power and gas

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After many trials and tribulations, the Commission last winter thumbs up in order to, at least in some cases, classify nuclear and gas investments as sustainable.

Whether the European Parliament also accepts that line is all the more uncertain. An even battle is expected when Parliament’s environment committee at lunchtime today votes on nuclear power and gas in the so-called taxonomy.

A no in committee can lead to the whole proposal falling, if the rest of the European Parliament then follows up with a similar no in early July.

Although nuclear power has strong support among several EU governments, not least in France, there is fierce opposition to the taxonomy proposal. The environmental movement also provides its flank support.

“After more than a year of dirty deals behind closed doors between the Commission and a few Member States, Parliament finally has an opportunity to have its say on gas and nuclear power. They must take it – and reject the scandalous green painting presented by the Commission,” writes Sebastien Godinot from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in a press release.
