UN confirms: Operation to evacuate civilians from Azovstal steel plant underway

About twenty civilians were evacuated from the Azovstal steel plant

The UN says evacuations are being carried out in co-operation with the Red Cross. The operation, which began on Saturday, has been coordinated with the Ukrainian and Russian authorities.

The United Nations confirms that an operation to evacuate civilians from the Azovstal steel plant in the city of Mariupol is under way.

UN Spokesman for Humanitarian Aid Saviano Abreu tells news agencies that evacuations are being carried out in co – operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross. The operation has been coordinated with the Ukrainian and Russian authorities and began on Saturday.

Abreu describes the situation as very complex and does not provide further information so as not to jeopardize the safety of civilians.

Up to a thousand civilians are still believed to be in the tunnels of a Soviet-era steel plant. There are also an estimated 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers there.
