UN chief warns of global food crisis: “Act quickly and decisively”

UN chief warns of global food crisis Act quickly and

Guterres visits Stockholm on the occasion of the UN Environment Conference Stockholm +50. On Wednesday, he had a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S).

On the agenda was, among other things, the security policy situation in Europe after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

At the post-meeting press conference, the UN Secretary-General highlighted the crisis that is now threatening many poor countries as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

– It fuels a three-dimensional global crisis for food, energy and finance that hits the most vulnerable populations, countries and economies, says Guterres.

– A perfect storm threatens to destroy the economies of many developing countries.

The Secretary-General emphasizes that those countries now need support. He is worried about signals from some rich countries that they intend to cut aid.

“It is worrying and I urge the countries to rethink in view of the serious consequences such cuts have for the most vulnerable,” Guterres said.

He is pleased that Prime Minister Andersson has stated to him that Sweden is sticking to its aid promises.

“Especially due to the food crisis, we need to act quickly and decisively to ensure a steady flow of food and energy to the open market,” Guterres said.

Export restrictions must be lifted, and surpluses and reserves distributed to poor countries, according to Guterres.

He stressed that the food crisis could not be resolved effectively unless Russia’s manure and food production and Ukraine’s food production could reach world markets again, despite the ongoing war.

The UN has launched a “dialogue” to achieve that goal. Guterres wants to create a package solution. It must contain a secure export of Ukrainian food through the Black Sea, and that Russian food and fertilizer must have unhindered access to world markets. The UN Secretary-General recalls that until recently there was a ban on such exports.

The UN has appointed two groups of diplomats to travel to relevant capitals to facilitate a solution.

– Progress has been made, but we are not there yet. The negotiation is complicated. But I am hopeful, says Guterres.

The UN Secretary-General also reiterated that Russia’s war is a clear violation of the UN Charter.

– The war must be stopped now, says Guterres.
